Geochromatic Studies / Out of Gamut


July 23 - August 28, 2021


Monaco is pleased to present Geochromatic Studies / Out of Gamut by JULMstudios from July 23 to August 28, 2021. Geochromatic Studies / Out of Gamut, features a collection of works by Brooklyn-based collaborators Jason Urban and Leslie Mutchler. Developed as a sequence of fictive academic courses, the pair’s recent body of work, Geochromatic Studies, synthesizes research about color in science, pseudo-science, and the occult. Configurations of this work have been previously exhibited at NARS Foundation in Brooklyn, NY (2020), and The Delaware Contemporary in Wilmington, DE (2021). Urban and Mutchler approach each iterative exhibition as a “course” focusing on rational and irrational applications of color. Geochromatic Studies / Out of Gamut at Monaco leans into the irrational.


For their exhibition at Monaco, Urban and Mutchler compose a group of works that consider digital and analog gamuts and imagine a transitional  space between them. Inspired by the quack color science of the late nineteenth century, Geochromatic Studies / Out of Gamut meditates on color’s ability to straddle spaces- both real and imagined- and transport us to alternate dimensions. 

The exhibition is anchored by a central printed image, Out of Gamut (Dark Rainbow). A large, digitally-printed grid that spans the wall and floor and engages with objects and images both in and out of the color space. Two planar works, Modified Boulders Rock Mold and Boulders Rock Mold Inverso operate as liminal panels  alternating between the real and the imagined, the possible and the actual. Another freestanding grid appears as a three-dimensional support structure in Circles in Circles in Squares (Color Meditations), a sculptural work made of over thirty beaded meditation necklaces the artists produced in their kitchen during the 2020 pandemic lockdown. The necklaces, made with humble materials- salt, flour, oil, and pigment- are a kind of analog color picker and tactile alternative to doom scrolling. Woven through a metal wire grid, the piece leans against the wall like a composite figure, tired, but sturdy- in and out of color. 



Bio / JULMstudios is a collaboration between Jason Urban & Leslie Mutchler. Working in Brooklyn,  their multidisciplinary practice is project-based and research-intensive. They employ an art practice of pseudo bibliology through the study of books, printing & publishing. Amidst frenetic code-switching from analogue to digital media, their projects investigate the evolving meaning of printed matter and the “sacred space” it occupies. Their work has recently been exhibited at The Delaware Contemporary, Wilmington, DE, NARS Foundation, Brooklyn, NY, The Print Center, Philadelphia, PA, Center for Fine  Print Research in Bristol, England, and SPACE Gallery, Portland, ME. Urban and Mutchler have  participated in residencies in Basel (Switzerland), Cork (Ireland), Pittsburgh (USA), and more. Urban and Mutchler are currently Dieu Donne 2020-2021 Workspace Residents.
IG: @julmstudios 

Please e-mail for more information. 

PastMonaco Gallery